Friday, August 17, 2018

Are You Ready to Let Go?

Have you ever considered that holding on to something or someone may actually be holding you back?  Your own destiny may remain in the fog until you're willing to give "letting go" a try.  If you break your life down into two categories that motivate you, you end up with hope for gain and fear of loss.  Fear of loss (or fear of letting go) is the strongest between the two and it can cripple you.

Scary things will probably happen once you let go.  I was hiking and camping with my daughter in the Cascades a couple of weeks ago and we encountered a bear in front of us on our trail.  He stood up on his hind legs about twenty yards in front of us, strained his head forward and raised his ears.  The three of us were frozen like statues.  The bear blinked.  He was gone before we could snap a picture.  This experience never would have happened if I allowed fear of bears or other wildlife hold me back.  I let go of fear long ago.  Fear was my anchor in my boat.  Hope is my sail.  I'm glad I cast my anchor into the sea and never looked back.

Let go of something or someone today.  Raise the sails and hope for gain.  Have a great day.

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