Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Trick and Treat

This may not be the traditional way you view Halloween.  We know the way it goes...Trick or Treat.  Right? What if this year you try a new approach?  It goes like this...  Trick your brain into thinking Halloween is over.  So is Thanksgiving.  Christmas too.  And New Years Eve.  Trick your brain into thinking it's a brand new year today, right now.  Follow this idea and when New Years Day actually comes something big will be waiting for you.  Yep.  A treat.  This is something you may have falsely believed could never happen.  You thought your best days were behind you.  Not this year.  Do the trick properly and you will be treated to a new body.  One more good thing – you won't have to make a resolution to be healthy because you will already be set on day one!

How does the trick work?  When you wake up every day for the next couple of months, simply pretend you are on day 1 of your goal to be healthy.  Every food choice you make is about that resolution to be healthy.  Repeat this for 67 days until the New Year begins.  If you like the results, you're all set.  Trick and Treat!  This is a treat you deserve.  Are you in?  Have a great day.

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