Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Meaningful Moments

You're on your death bed surrounded by your loved ones.  If you've lived your life to your fullest, these last moments are filled with joy.  Why?  You know in your heart you did your best to live your life to the maximum of your potential.  If you're reading this and you have doubts about this scenario, it's not too late to change that final picture.  In fact, the course correction you need may come down to about an hour of day of meaningful moments.

Assess a typical day in your life and determine how much of your day is wasted on meaningless tasks.  Can you trim one hour of wasted time to make room for sixty minutes of meaningful moments?  Keep in mind your brain is going to fight you on this because change is something your brain doesn't like.  Status quo is your brain's mantra.  You need to tame is if it's a wild horse.  You may need to start with ten minutes a day of meaningful moments and work up to sixty minutes until your brain adjusts.

Spend a few minutes pondering what meaningful moments look like to you.  Could it be learning a new musical instrument?  A new language?  A phone call to a friend?  Volunteering in your community?  Perhaps it's reading a book that will help you improve a specific area of your life?  

I'm using my sixty minutes of meaningful moments to meditate and listen to the Bible on a daily podcast.  It may not seem like much.  I agree.  One hour out of twenty-four isn't much.  That's the neat part of this routine.  It's not about quantity of time but quality of time.  I consider the first sixty minutes of my day as the golden hour.  I'm not worried about being on my death bed because of my daily meaningful moments which translate to a meaningful life.  Use your meaningful moments now before it's too late.  Have a great day.

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