Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Day 285 BIAY

The countdown is on.  What seemed like a far-fetched goal at the beginning of the year is now becoming a reality.  Today is day 285 of listening to the Bible in a Year.  I know why this goal seems so elusive for so many.  First, the enemy doesn't want you to do this.  He and his demon buddies with do just about anything to discourage you.  Second, it's not easy to put all the pieces together.  Third, the world is filled with chaos.  Who has time to do something like this?  

I'm super thankful I found someone who is willing to offer his thoughts about what is actually going on in these stories.  For me, I see the connection with these characters.  Ultimately, God is calling all of us to follow him.  He waits patiently.  He sends angels to help us.  And once in a great while God sends someone like the narrator of Bible in a Year to inspire us on our journey.  The impossible becomes possible.  The distance between Heaven and Earth shrinks.

Maybe you're reading this today and you're thinking this isn't for you.  Perhaps you lost the connection to Heaven and you don't know how to get closer to God.  It could be that the world is such a mess that you want to give up.  I understand brokenness.  I also get it that God loves us enough to send his only Son to die for us so we can be healed.  Take that first step.  Listening to the Bible is less challenging than reading it, especially when there's commentary.  Jump in.  Have a great day.

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