Saturday, April 4, 2020

What the World Needs Now

I got the call I was hoping and praying for last night.  A loved one was notified of a Covid-19 exposure and was asked to go in for a test since there were symptoms similar to what patients experience.  The test came back negative.  We breathed a sigh of relief.  It's only a matter of time before our loved ones or someone we know becomes infected.  I believe what the world needs now is love.  This love can best be demonstrated by our willingness to change our ways and make the necessary sacrifices to protect others.  Social distancing.  Frequent hand washing.  Canceled vacations.  Self-quarantine.  Stay at home.  These are all acts of love because we are putting others ahead of our own desires.

Mankind has a really good track record of coming together in times of danger.  Novel viruses encourage novel ways of finding solutions.  Hope is on the horizon.  Let's all come together and buy some time so we can save lives.  Have a great day.

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