Sunday, September 29, 2019

Can You Visualize the Finish Line?

If you're looking for something to prod you to complete a goal or project that appears stalled, this may be of interest to you.  I've shared ideas about this before but today I want to add a little nugget that may enhance your opportunity for improved results.

Never underestimate the power of postive thinking.  Your brain is always listening.  I like to feed pictures of what the finish line looks like and I do my best to make sure all five of my senses are in play.  I also like to surround myself with people I love in these visualizations.  The more vivid the picture, the more real the experience.  Pay careful attention to your positive emotions you feel in these pictures.

Remember that each finish line is only a chapter in your life.  Repeat this exercise every time you complete a project and keep moving forward.  Have a great day.

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