Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Buckle Up, It's a Road Trip Inside My Writer's Brain

Things are moving at light speed now.  Please buckle your seat belts.  I'm taking you inside my writer's brain to see what's cooking.  Now that I have all the ingredients for a best-seller, time is of the essence. Ready?  Here we go...

When Leonard Nimoy was a young boy, he entered his house of worship with his father and grandfather for something so special it impacted the rest of his life and spilled over into the fictional character, Spock, he played on Star Trek.  "Cover your eyes," his father said, hoping to protect him from something so powerful it could cause injury or even be fatal according to the legend.  The chanting was chilling.  The five leaders on stage were wailing, not in unison.  Leonard peeked.  He saw what was to become the world-famous Spock greeting, accompanied by his words, "Live Long and Prosper."  Leonard laughed during an interview conducted before his death and said, "people on the street would greet me with my Vulcan handshake not knowing they were offering a blessing."

My next book title is a tribute to Leonard Nimoy.  "Live Long and Prosper" is a blessing I want to give the world. I'm really glad Nimoy peeked during the benediction.  It's only fitting that I'm sharing what's on my heart about health, wellness, and financial fitness.  This book is my victory lap.  You see, there was a time in my life when these three areas of my life were so messed up that my only hope was prayer.  Prayer works.  Blessings help others.  All I need to do now is figure out how to put these ingredients together and serve up a meal that can change our world for the better.  I need to sort out all the wailing going on in my brain.  Perhaps it comes from something Maya Angelou said..."There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside of you."  Have a great day.

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