Friday, December 7, 2018

Winning Food Habits for the New Year

Are you planning your next shopping trip soon?  I recommend you give your food purchases some serious consideration before you go to the grocery store if you want to hit the ground running in the new year.  The easiest way to win is to make sure you don't have any processed foods in the house.  Your list should be heavy on fruits, veggies, nuts, beans and seeds.  Use these next three weeks to deplete all the foods that you will no longer be purchasing.  Make your produce section your favorite place to visit when you're shopping.

If you can get one new habit right next year, focus on the grocery list.  Be disciplined when you shop and don't cheat.  I'm concentrating on eating at home because that's my safe zone for my food and my budget.  One or two new habits are all you need to win at healthy eating.  Healthy eating is your foundation for optimum health.  Go for it.  Have a great day.

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