Saturday, December 15, 2018

How I'm Keeping Score in the Debt Reduction Game

It can get really scary when there's a Mulligan writing the rules of the game.  Just ask my neighbors I grew up with.    It gets even scarier when I combine my love of marketing with book writing, puzzle solving and debt reduction.  It's all fun and games.  Solving problems is what we Mulligans have been doing for generations.  When I was growing up, I heard stories about my granddad, a Midwest family physician who put skis on his airplane so he could make house calls in the Winter.  I don't need to make house calls to help others when cyberspace is free and without boundaries.  Yes, it's all coming together now and I'm sharing the early drafts here on this blog, aka my own not-so-private sand box where I play games every morning before sunrise.

Traditional golf is played over 18 holes.  I'm adding another 18 in my debt reduction game because I believe everyone can use a mulligan when it comes to winning the financial freedom game.  The 36 hole virtual golf course is divided into three parts – the front nine, the middle 18 and the back nine.  Par is the amount each player decides to pay in additional principal payments every month.  The debt reduction game can be played over and over until the player wins financial independence.  My hope is to make par over the next 36 months and then send my mortgage banker home in December, 2021.  A little birdie told me there may be a next generation Mulligan with a pilot's license I can hire to fly my last creditor out of town on a one-way ticket.  I don't know if skis are FAA approved but I have a feeling a photo like that would go viral.  I'll see you on the course.  Have a great day.

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