Saturday, October 29, 2011

Is There Another Way to Get to Heaven?

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. ~ John 14:6

I heard a friend joke about how Jesus noticed some questionable people while walking the Heavenly streets.  He visited Peter who was standing guard at the gate and asked, "Peter, are you checking credentials?  There's some people here who are definitely borderline."

Peter responded, "Don't blame me, Jesus.  It's your mother, she's letting 'em in through the window."

Scripture tells us there is only one way to get to Heaven and that's through Jesus.  Mary is not God, however, as the Mother of God, she plays an important role with her Son.  Jesus is both a servant and a king.  He is human and Divine.  His ways are perfect.  The relationship He has with His mother is meant to be an example for the world.

Mary asked Jesus to help out at the wedding in Cana when the bride and groom ran out of wine.  Jesus told His mother, "my time has not come."

Mary looked at the servants and told them, "do whatever my Son says."

There is much debate among the various denominations about Mary.  Some ask, "why does Jesus need a proxy to intercede on His behalf?"

The answer is that Jesus is perfect.  He doesn't need anyone to get between Him and His people.  Why would Jesus allow "middle men?"

Jesus knew that if He remained on earth, His followers would just watch Him do everything.  Jesus wanted action.  He wanted others to be His hands and feet.  The only follower free from original sin was His mother.  She doesn't have the power to open a window to Heaven for you.  Her role is to point you to the door.  Her Son is the only way to get to Heaven and He will open the door if you knock and ask to enter.

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