Monday, September 14, 2009

God has an In-box

Before I exited the cave eighteen days ago to begin my new life, there was one final lesson to be learned and it was one of the most important moments of my "training period" in the darkness. I remember sitting at my computer and feeling out of it. Something was going on in my personal life that was causing much anxiety. It was something that I did not want to share with anyone at work and I was pretty much keeping to myself as I muddled through my day.

At the very moment when I was at my lowest point, I got an email from another Christian I worked for at ADT. The message stated that it was from God. I could feel goosebumps as I opened the email. I can longer access my email from my old job, so here is my best recollection of the message...

To: You
From: God

Please place all of your problems in my in-box. Do not attempt to take the problems back out of the in-box. I will get to them on my time, not yours...

The email was longer but this is the part that got to my heart at just the right moment. I immediately placed this problem in God's in-box and went to work. The message and the perfect timing of the message really impacted me.

I thanked the person who sent me the email and he told me he was just an agent of God. If you think about it, we are all called to be agents of God. He wants all of us to be connected to each other and He created us with different gifts to be used for the benefit of others.

I realize now that my gift is to "publish all the good that Jesus has done in my life". Your gift may be to write music, like my cousin from Mulligan's Island. Whatever your gift is, make sure you share it with the world around you. When you run into a problem that is too big to handle, put it in God's in-box and leave it there. He is never too busy to resolve your problem and His timing is perfect.

Touch one person's life today and thank someone around you that touched yours. Have a great day.

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