Saturday, September 28, 2024

Sardines for Breakfast Today

People cringe when I tell them I eat sardines.  The truth is I cringe a bit as well.  After discovering that doing things you really don't like to do actually increases the size of your brain in the area known as the anterior midcingulate cortex, I'm doing my best to pursue activities I would much rather prefer to avoid.

I eat sardines because they are easy to consume when I'm on the road and there aren't any other good food choices.  Sardines can be eaten right out of the can.  There is no prep time.  Sardines are one of the healthiest food choices one can make.

When it comes to breakfast choices, sardines are probably last on my list.  Not this morning.  Too bad I can't measure the size of my AMCC.  All I can do is rely on my observations concerning all my experiments.  Some may argue that some benefits may be a placebo effect.   Whether all these positive changes are real or placebo, all I can say is I'm happy with the results of all my experiments.  Sardines aren't for everyone.  I simply choose to give my brain all the that it can get.  My body as well.  Have a great day.

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