Monday, September 30, 2024

How Much of Your Life Is On Autopilot?

Are you happy with the direction you're going?  If so, I hope your autopilot button is on and you reach your destination in good spirits.  If you're not satisfied, this is a great day to disengage the autopilot and make some course correction moves while there is still time.

I'm living proof you can teach an old dog new tricks if you're willing to do the work.  Doing the work means you are willing to change no matter what your chronological age happens to be.  Once the desired changes are implemented, that's the right time to turn the autopilot back on and proceed.

The manual override can be a bit bumpy at times.  If you consider your brain as the operating system, it really doesn't like it when you try to alter the pre-programmed controls that you set up as you were growing up.  Your brain will resist especially if you are implementing changes in your senior years.  

I'm writing this story before sunrise.  That's pretty much what I've been doing daily for fifteen consecutive years.  What's changing for me is my early morning routine that follows my daily blogging.  My manual course correction involves going outside at sunrise for a minimum of ten minutes per day in order to reset my circadian rhythms.  Today is day 2.  Should I turn the autopilot for my new morning routine on too soon, I risk reverting back to my old programming.  I need to turn off the autopilot every time I'm making a change.  This year I've been on manual mode for a record number of days.  

My hope for you is that you find the inspiration to go into manual mode and pursue something you once thought was impossible.  You see, when your brain convinces you something is impossible, it is tempting you to give up and go back to autopilot.  Challenge yourself to grow.  Challenge your brain to let go of outdated programming.  Plot a new course.  Have a great day.

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