Thursday, September 19, 2024

Do You Have a Gratitude Journal?

 Are you happy?  Do you record the reasons for your happiness?  If your answers are negative, I have a simple solution for you.  It's called a gratitude journal.  It doesn't have to be anything fancy.  I'm using my writing software to record what I'm thankful for.  Today marks the first entry.  I have done this in the past but today I'm making it more formal so I can keep track of gratitude.  For those of you who think this may be a waste of time, I offer some science that may change your feelings about this.  It's all about the endorphins that are released when you practice daily gratitude.  Writing about it helps you keep track.

I have a challenge for you.  I challenge you to write down three things you are thankful for every morning for 30 days.  See for yourself what happens to your brain when you do this simple activity.  If your happiness improves, keep it up.  What do you have to lose?  Have a great day.

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