Sunday, September 29, 2024

First Sun Part of Revised Morning Routine

Andrew Huberman challenges his followers to go outside at sunrise for at least ten minutes.  I've been enjoying my time in the sun indoors through the windows until this morning when I decided to follow Huberman's advice.  He argues that certain frequencies are blocked when the sun is viewed through windows.  

As a new fan of habit stacking I did three things at once this morning at sunrise.   My wife looked at me like I'm an alien when I told her I needed to go outside.  How peculiar I must look with shorts on (it's cold this morning), my headphones in place and my cell phone set up on YouTube while holding my latest book I'm reading.  My cell phone is also my timer.  It's set for ten minutes before going outside to bask in the early morning sunshine.  Will this be a new morning routine?  Ask me in 30 days.  If I'm still doing all of these activities simultaneously I should be able to confidently state I'm well on my way to a newly revised permanent morning routine.

My pre-sunrise routine began at 5:00am when I woke up without an alarm.  I will need to be flexible with my morning habits as the sunrise varies throughout the year.  Viewing the sun as it rises daily will allow my body to adjust its time clock to be in harmony with Mother Nature.  

If you are not happy with your life as it is now, consider revising your early morning routine to give you an opportunity to enhance your sense of well-being.  I already know my brain is going to fight me when the temps fall below zero and I'm still following my early morning routine which includes ten minutes of viewing the sun outdoors, even on cloudy days or snow days.  These habits are what make me who I am.  Forcing myself to do things that are difficult only enhances the endorphins.  Yes, I may seem like I'm an alien in my wife's eyes but I can honestly say I'm a happy alien.  Check in 30 days from today and I'll let you know if the first sun habit is permanent.  Have a great day.

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