Saturday, September 21, 2024

I Found Out I'm a Dolphin

My life is starting to make more sense now that I found a new mentor to follow.  It's also day 3 of a new habit I'm forming – a daily gratitude journal.  Before I get too far off today's topic, I want to acknowledge Jim Kwik, a memory expert and coach who happens to be a best selling author.  I took a free test yesterday and the results tell me I'm a creative dolphin.  If you're curious about what animal you are, I'll have a link at the end of today's story.  Here's a summary of who I am...

Creative Dolphin

The Creative Dolphin is the visionary. You generate original ideas and find unique solutions to complex problems through out-of-the-box thinking and strong intuition. Imagination is your playground. You approach challenges with a fresh perspective, looking from all angles, even ones no one has considered. Impossible isn’t in your vocabulary. That doesn’t mean you’re trying to constantly reinvent the wheel. Instead, you enjoy building on what already exists, and either expanding their potential or taking a different approach. You thrive when you’re encouraged to offer new viewpoints and love brainstorming new ideas. At home, you breathe new life into Taco Tuesday and can craft a brand-new marketing campaign for a lagging product at work. You’re guaranteed to come up with an idea no one else has thought of. You shine in environments that embrace your creative spirit and can feel stifled in places that require you to conform to strict convention.

I have to admit that reading this excerpt brought about great conflict.  My first thought was, "Wow, this guy doesn't even know me and he's going really deep, maybe I need to dig deeper with Jim."  Then the temptation came in...90% off from a package designed to help me reach my goals at an accelerated rate.  For those of you who follow me, you know I'm on a very strict budget that has no room for error in order to reach my time target to build my dream van.  I didn't say no to Jim's wealth of knowledge.  I decided "not yet."  The hardest part about delaying my response is that I really wanted to offer a tip for the free stuff I've been delving into from Jim's YouTube videos.  The first thing I did to thank Jim and also help five people close to me was to send the first YouTube video I watched from Jim several days ago.  Now it's time to pay it forward to my readers who want to know what type of animal they are.  Click here for the introduction.  I would love to know what you discover about yourself.  Have a great day.


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