Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Is Cognitive Decline Reversible?

Please don't shoot the messenger on today's story.  I fully understand I'm not qualified to answer the question I pose.  The experts can chime in any time.  I'm asking this question because I'm noticing something peculiar about the aging process.  Some people seem to be aging quickly while others seem to be drinking from the fountain of youth.  What gives?  In my case, I feel like my own personal cognitive decline appears to be reversing.  Could this be some sort of placebo?  Maybe.  If it is, please don't tell me.  

Brain function is rather complicated.  In my opinion, the brain can be trained just like you can train your pet dog.  They say you can't teach old dogs new tricks.  I disagree.  Sure, the effort involved to overcome poor training is challenging for old dogs.  The same is true for old brains.  I do believe I can increase my own brain functions with some training.  Modifying my food intake is also beneficial.  Stay tuned.  I'm going to keep pursuing answers to today's question.  Have a great day. 

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