Friday, April 12, 2024

Are You a Frog in Hot Water?

 Before you get defensive and tell me you're not a frog, let me acknowledge you are not a frog.  Before you tell me you're not in hot water, please allow me to share what I mean about hot water.  In my opinion, "hot water" is the world we live in.  You can agree or disagree that the temperature is rising.  What matters is that when a frog is introduced to gradual increases in temperature it is unaware of the change.  Urban legend is that this frog will boil to death when the temperature increases slowly. 

The next time you are in a public setting please look closely at the people around you.  What do you observe about them that is different from let's say twenty years ago?  If you see all the people glued to their phones, you see them in hot water.  Now, take note about what they are eating while they are staring at their phones.  How is this different from twenty years ago?  If you see a plate loaded with junk food, you are seeing the hot water I'm talking about.  I could go on and on about the hot water but I think you get the idea.

Where do frogs go once they realize they are boiling to death?  In my opinion, the best place is in a house of worship.  There is no guarantee that the hot water will be restored, however, those who follow Jesus will understand the dangers lurking in our world today.  Have a great day.

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