Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Follow the Heart or the Brain?

Conflict is what lives inside the heart and brain of every writer.  Sometimes, there's this internal battle between the heart and the brain over which direction to proceed.  When the noises get too loud, others in the world around you can overhear your struggles, adding intensity to the internal debate.  My voices fight for control over who will be heard in my stories.  Muffling the voices or hiding them only prolongs the inevitable when they finally explode like a volcano and spew ashes into the hemisphere for the whole world to see.

Score a victory for my heart today.  Although the brain refuses to acquiesce, the story is moving forward.  I must fight through the interference from within and let the words flow.  There will be more conflict ahead.  Pardon me if those voices get too loud.  I'm following my heart even if those zig zag patterns are making my head spin.  One day at a time.  One day at a time.  Have a great day.

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