Monday, September 25, 2023

Tennis and/or Pickleball?

 It's a day off today and tomorrow.  There are three activities I would like to pursue during my time off.  The first priority is to participate in tennis drills with the locals at the neighborhood YMCA.  The indoor courts sport the best lights I've ever seen.  Next on the list is Pickleball.  If it's raining, we move indoors to a second facility nearby also run by the YMCA folks.  My hope is to visit McDonough Park which overlooks the Chippewa River where onlookers can see the fall foliage which is getting more brilliant every day.

The question people ask me when I tell them I play tennis AND Pickleball is, "why both?" They ask because many have heard most play one or the other but not both.  For me, playing both fulfills two needs- the need to enjoy tennis at the highest possible levels with amazing teammates who thrive on maximizing their abilities.  The other need is to participate in activities that are more social in nature that can be learned quickly.  My wife is quite fond of our time together on the Pickleball courts.

The world already has enough conflict to fight about choosing which activity is better. Some tennis players argue Pickleball shouldn't be classified as a sport.  Tell that to the 400 hundred or so locals playing in Eau Claire who are playing as often as daily.  They look very fit to me.  They also remind me of my teammates who are at the top of their game.  Yes, I do believe that no matter how you classify Pickleball or whether you choose to play tennis Pickleball, or both, you can get along with others who have differences of opinions.  As far as the weather goes, rain or shine, I'm playing tennis and Pickleball today and tomorrow.  Maybe I will see you on the courts.  Have a great day.

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