Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Week 2 of Yoga

 Yoga is increasing my level of awareness about how inflexible my body is.  It's also helping me to identify muscles that are underdeveloped.  This is something I want to devote an hour of my time to once a week to help tone my body and increase my flexibility.  The other benefit is increased family time.  I'm happy to discover an activity that we can do together no matter what level of Yoga we happen to be on.  The beginner, like me, can still participate while the more advanced practitioners can push themselves to the level they happen to be on.  Another benefit is that I'm experiencing deeper sleep because my body is in need of repair from all the stretching.  My wife told me she thinks it may help me with my tennis game. I'll let you know about that.  What I do believe is that the better I treat my body, the better it will perform in the game of life.  If you haven't tried Yoga, give it a try.  It's as easy as finding an instructor online from the comfort of your home.  Have a great day.

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