Monday, February 1, 2021

Fabulous February is Here

Wow!  That was a fast month we just had.  Now it's fabulous February.  I say fabulous because it's another clean slate to create the kind of life you want.  How did those last thirty-one days go for you?  Is there anything you can do in this new month to make your life better?  Think of all the things you did well and the things that can be improved.  

One of the things I'm working on in my personal life is focusing on the day.  While upcoming events are fun to dream about, I'm savoring what today brings.  Life is a series of moments.  The moment we have right now is the most important.  If I can sustain that focus for the next 28 days, then this month will be fabulous.  How about you?  What are you going to do in fabulous February to improve your life?  Have a great day.

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