Monday, February 22, 2021

A Writing Recipe

I think I found the missing ingredient for my next book.  It's like playing chess.  You have an objective – defeat your opponent's king.  Sacrifices are made as the game progresses.  A savvy chess player can convert an insignificant pawn into a powerful ally if he's able to advance all the way to the other side of the board.  That's where I am now with my next book.  I'm the pawn on the board who survived numerous sacrifices and attacks to stay in the game.  I needed to learn along the way how to win at writing.  Something inside me tells me I'm not really playing the game, I'm living the game.  I'm actually living the chapters I'm writing about.  Chess is all about time and space.  So is writing.  

The missing ingredient in my book has been found.  It's credibility.  It will all make sense when this book comes out of the oven.  The pawn has a story to share.  Stay tuned.  Have a great day.

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