Monday, September 18, 2017

A Recipe for Good Thoughts

Your thoughts are what feed your brain.  How do they taste?  Did you ever notice how one bad thought can change everything?  It's all about the ratios.  For every negative thought, you need at least ten positive thoughts to get back on track.

When dining with others, check your menu carefully before speaking.  Negative thoughts can affect the mood.  Watch facial expressions on your guests so you can spot a negative thought before it spills into the conversation.  The best way to beat a negative thought to the punch is to ask a question.  I like this one:  "why do you feel that way?"  If you can get others to spit out what's bothering them, you can change the flavor of their negative thoughts because you're showing empathy.

The best recipe for good thoughts is the one free of contaminants.  Avoid negative thoughts and all your meals will be amazing.  Have a great day.

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