Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Message About Autism

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. ~ Isaiah 55:8

Yesterday I got a phone call from a writer in my critique group.  She was reaching out for help so that she could connect with parents of autistic children.  At the time of the phone conversation, neither of us knew how God would intervene.  Since she is already a public figure, I am going to share her message.  Like the boomerang that this blog is, I trust that the right people will discover today's message and respond.

Adelaide began working with autistic children over twenty years ago.  When her second child was born twenty years after the first one, she noticed certain signs that revealed the gift God had given her.  Adelaide refused to allow the schools to put "labels" on her little angel and instead quit her job to be a full-time mommy.

When I first met Adelaide's daughter, I recognized her uniqueness.  She asked me to critique her first book, filled with detailed illustrations.  She stood in front of our group, sharing her story with no fear.  This little girl is perhaps one of the youngest bloggers in the country.  She is also starting her second business.  This is all before the first grade!

During our phone conversation, Adelaide shared what would have happened if her daughter had entered the traditional school system.  "Their solution is drugs", she explained.  These kids never get the opportunity to develop into the people God created them to be.  I have an important message to share with parents who feel lost raising autistic children.  Can you help?"

During the night, the answer came to me.  That's how God works.  He connects people and presents a problem that needs to be solved.  The answer cannot be found in isolation.  It takes a group of people to come together, combining their resources to discover solutions.

Take a look at the video below.  This shows us how special our brains are.  Don't let others limit you or your children, no matter how "different" the world thinks they are.  Celebrate uniqueness and discover your special place in God's puzzle. 

Click here to learn more about Adelaide and her mission to help educate others about autism. Thank you, Adelaide, for coming out of your comfort zone to share your message. I look forward to reading your daughter's books and invite her to be a guest speaker on my blog in the near future. She is following in mom's and dad's footsteps...

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