Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The Greatest Compliment You Can Give a Writer

 I rejoined my day job teammates yesterday after my bike riding adventure.  Although I only rode one day with the RAGBRAI riders, it felt like much longer, perhaps because I felt like I was living a lifetime of experiences from sunrise to sunset.  The biggest question my day job teammates asked was, "How do you feel?"  I gave my standard answer, "Amazing."  This isn't something most people say after experiencing what I experienced but the statement is 100% true.  Perhaps my spirits were lifted when a new FaceBook friend told me, "when I read your stories I feel like I'm there."  Thank you for the compliment.  That's what every writer aspires to.  We want you to feel like you are there with us in the moment, even in dark times like I was when a massive storm struck near the conclusion of my 93 mile ride and my only protection was a bike tunnel.

When I woke up this morning, my wife told me I was talking in my sleep in the middle of the night.  "What did I say?"  I asked.

She replied, "I'm free."

I don't remember what I was dreaming about but I have a feeling it may be related to finishing "Live Long and Prosper."  Many of the anecdotes are about my personal trials.  Like my RAGBRAI experience, these trials have pushed me to my limits.  If you are someone who follows my stories, I envision you with me while I'm writing about these challenging times in my life.  I'm held captive until the prison gates are opened up and my stories are released for your consumption.   I wouldn't wish some of these trials on my worst enemy.  Perhaps it's safer for you to read about my life rather than jump into an arena stuffed with oversized opponents who have killer instincts.  I look forward to that day when I declare, "I'm free," with my eyes wide open.  Have a great day.

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