Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Day 607 with the YouTube Pastor

When all the houses of worship across the country were shut down during the pandemic, my mother found a way to stay close to Jesus, online worship.  She found a youth pastor from Duluth, Minnesota who does something I've never seen before.  He reads the Bible on YouTube and adds commentary so we can understand what's going on behind the scenes.  At the end of the sessions which average about twenty minutes, he adds, "I'm praying for you, please pray for me."

I felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment when I completed the last session at the end of the year last year.  Well, it wasn't over for this YouTube pastor.  He came up with CIY (Catechism in a Year) for people of all faiths wanting to dig deeper.  Today is day 607 for me, 365 days of Bible in a Year, plus 242 days of CIY.  When I finished my YouTube video this morning before sunrise, I drifted back to sleep while my YouTube videos were randomly playing.  I came across a talk Fr. Mike Schmitz gave about how all of us are called to teach others about Jesus.  I'm sharing it here for anyone wishing to get closer to Jesus, like my mother did when the world was in the midst of dark times.  Check it out.  Have a great day.

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