Saturday, August 19, 2023

Spiritual Mile Markers


Today's story is dedicated to two specific groups.  If you identify yourself as a doubter, please allow me to be a bit vulnerable and share something from my heart.  The same is true if you are a believer but you sometimes wonder if you're on the right track.  I can relate.  There are times when I find myself blindsided.  Maybe this story can help you.

My time in North Canton comes to a conclusion on Monday.  I'm far from home.  Much of my time has been spent in solitude.  I find this necessary as the type of duties I perform require sustained periods of high energy.  New openings are filled with enough chaos to drive a person off the deep end.  That's why I rely on spiritual mile markers from the spiritual realm.  I found one while touring the football Hall of Fame with my wife on a day off.  It came from one of the new inductees from the class of '23.  Our eyes were drawn to Don Coryell, the coach of the Chargers.  That was gratifying but it wasn't the spiritual mile marker.  The spiritual mile marker was from someone I didn't know because the player showcased was from a team I never followed.  

If you want to know what makes people great, like Joe Klecko, look at what drives them.  Joe put a picture of Jesus in his display case with the words, Jesus I trust in you.  Joe used his Hall of Fame moment to share his faith.  I got goose bumps when I saw this.  That was my first mile marker of my journey.

Spiritual mile marker number two has to do with an angel tasked with defeating the greatest adversary in the universe.  The Evil One is doing his best to bury any and all spiritual mile markers.  The side where I hope to spend eternity has it's own army of angels willing to fight for us.  This elite squadron of angels is led by St. Michael the Archangel.   The local house of worship named after this angel is only two miles from my hotel.  The local pastor approached me from behind the first time I visited.  My wife saw him first and nudged me to look up.  There he was, the size of an NFL linebacker with a tooth paste commercial smile, greeting two strangers who came all the way from Iowa.  The pastor who was born in Nigeria asked all the visitors to stand up and be recognized at the end of the service.  It was a surreal moment for both of us.

I'm returning to mile marker number two tonight for some bonus worship.  It's a special time for people to come and spend time with Jesus.  This will be my bonus time to thank God for all the blessings.  Regular worship at mile marker number two is Sunday just before my final day with our newest team led by membership manager Cory, one of the chillest people I've ever met.

If you're feeling lost and you would like to be on a team that is guaranteed to win, just like Hall of Famer Joe Namath predicted prior to his Super Bowl win, follow the mile markers to Heaven.  Seek and you will find.  Have a great day.

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