Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Reunion with Teammates Today

 It's been a long time since I've seen my teammates at my day job and on the tennis courts.  Today I'm back with my Coralville team.  After my shift ends I'll be hitting some balls with my Iowa City teammates.  I missed out on the regional tennis tournament for our men's 55+ team last weekend due to a schedule conflict.  We got a late wildcard invitation to face off with the best teams in the Midwest.  

Life is almost normal again, at least for the next week.  Once again, I'm doing a touch and go maneuver.  One week from today it's wheels up for our first trip across the Atlantic.  It's a sort of reunion with our Irish ancestors.  There is an outside chance Wilson may join us for what could be one of the best chapters in the book, "The Adventures of Castaway Wilson."  Speaking of castaways, I would like to give a shoutout to my cousin Mark who is doing big things south of the border.  His community was struck with a devastating flood.  He acted quickly, undeported himself, and did a touch and go of his own to raise over $5,000 for his community.  Nice work, cousin.  That's teamwork at it's finest.  Have a great day.

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