Monday, August 22, 2022

Are You Ready to Fight for Heaven?

It feels so good to be once again re-acquainted with my MacBook Pro.  We haven't been together for three consecutive weeks.  My daily stories were done on my cell phone and that's a real challenge when I'm limited to pretty much one finger for typing and swiping.  Some people may wonder why I do this daily especially when the circumstances aren't ideal.  It's something similar to when your boss or your significant other asks you to do something you would rather avoid.  You do it because you know in your heart it's necessary.  I must be careful here because now that my fingers are out of captivity I could go on for what may seem like an eternity.  Speaking of eternity, that is what I would like to focus on today.  

Today's story is inspired by a youth pastor I met in Duluth, Minnesota.  The meeting happened because my mother insisted I find him and thank him for all he does for her on her spiritual journey.  Mom called me when she learned from this blog almost one year ago that I was going to be in Duluth, Minnesota on a day job assignment.  I found him.  I knocked on his door.  He didn't answer.  The kids in the front area of his home who were gathered to do homework pointed me to the garage.  It was eucharistic adoration.  I entered the garage/chapel and prayed for an hour.  I met Fr. Mike Schmitz the following Sunday evening at the Cathedral where the college kids told me I would find him preaching to his students.  It was amazing.  I returned the following week for a second spiritual shot in the arm with my wife and a close friend who often accompanies me on day job assignments in the Midwest.

What a joy it was to see Fr. Mike on my YouTube feed this morning when I woke up in my own bed for the first time in three weeks.  My wife told me I was so exhausted that I slept through my alarm.  Good thing today is a day off to recover from my adventure in Wisconsin.  The YouTube video is a must watch.  It doesn't matter if you are a believer, a non-believer, or a critic of organized religion.  What matters is the message.  This is the same person I listen to every morning for the Bible in a Year.  This video is a bonus.  Check it out.  I believe in my heart that Heaven is worth fighting for.  How about you?  Watch the video and decide.  Have a great day.


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