Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Day 235 BIAY

 Did your family have a Bible in the home when you were growing up?  We did.  It was pristine.  The only problem we had with ours it that it collected dust.  I don't really remember opening it.  Some say Bibles collecting dust on a shelf are actually conversation pieces.  How can that be?  If it's never opened, how can you share what's inside?  Today is day 235 of listening to the Bible for me.  I started on January 1.  It was my only resolution I made.  I celebrated day 31 at the end of the first month.  That's usually the point where people give up on their goals and return to business as usual.  Fortunately, I found listening to the Bible as a great way to get closer to God.

If you don't like the direction your life is going, ask yourself what's missing.  Are you overwhelmed?  Tired?  Stressed?  Lost?  Afraid?  Sick?  Angry?  Unloved?  Do you lack purpose?  Do you know God?  I believe with all my heart that your purpose is found when you find God.  Maybe today's story is meant for you to find your way to your creator.  I have a long way to go in my journey.  These last 235 days have been baby steps.  Someday I will crawl.  Then I will walk.  I do look forward to running full speed ahead.  I'm aiming for Heaven.  When I get to the gate I'm going to knock.  My hope is that Jesus recognizes my voice when I tell him I'm home.  Until that time I'm going to keep going, one day at a time.  How about you?  Have a great day.

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