Saturday, October 31, 2020

Can You Cheat the Aging Process?

 Where are you on the football field of your life?  If you're in my mother's circle of friends, you've reached the 80 yard line and you can see the end zone.  I'm a little further out, about 20 yards behind my mother.  While there may only be a small percentage of people who reach the end zone before the clock expires, I'm searching for a new approach to the game of life.  Some may argue that's a sinister plan.  Others may say, "no way, Jose.  Who wants to live that long when our minds and bodies are falling apart?"

Suppose for a moment that you can make some changes that not only move you 10 yards back in time but your body does one of those Benjamin Button imitations and you appear rejuvenated.  

I may not be in my right mind but let's take this a step further.  Let's say it's the year 2050 and my driver's license says I'm 90.  I show up with my 89yr old partner for the national doubles championships and both of us look and act much younger than our biological age.  Is this even possible?  The more I delve into "Lifespan," by David A. Sinclair, the more I see myself adding 10 or 20 quality yards to my field of life. It may be an interesting experiment to try.  Have a great day.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Tennis is a Universal Language

 I may be away from home for a while but I'm certainly not alone.  I was on the tennis courts twice yesterday for a total of 2.5 hours.  The first hour was with the local pro.  He told me his last beloved pet was named Mulligan.  What are the odds?  I returned later to play singles with the gentleman who runs the men's leagues.  It turns out that this area has tennis players from eight countries who play weekly.  I think I found my sweet spot right here in Midland, Michigan.

Tennis is a universal language.  I'm 60yrs old and still loving this game.  There are times when I have to pinch myself and make sure I'm not dreaming.  My home away from home is only 1.2 miles away from my hotel.  Stay tuned.  I'm going to share pictures soon.  Have a great day.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Living in Day-tight Compartments

 When your life gets hectic, you may want to consider each day as a sort of day-tight compartment.  I first learned this in a Dale Carnegie class thirty-three years ago while living in Phoenix, the same year I met my future wife.  I was juggling two jobs and my boss asked me to sign up for a course about "How to Win Friends and Influence People."  The bonus subject was about "How to Stop Worrying and Start Living."  It's during crazy times like these that I'm applying these lessons taught by the course instructor and good friend, Jim Miller.

Living in a day-tight compartment means you block out the past, block out the future, and put all your energy into today.  You can break your day into an hour by hour approach and focus on the task at hand while putting everything else out of your mind.  I'm using to this technique to manage all the change I'm dealing with while away from my wife on a special assignment.  My plate is full.  I'm trying intermittent fasting for the first time in my life.  My brain is in a day-tight compartment and it's going to remain there until I get a handle on my new environment.  Give this idea a try.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

One Year of No Cable TV

 The last time I turned on cable TV was one year ago during game seven of the World Series and it was only during the late innings.  I don't miss it.  When I hear complaints about all those negative commercials from others, I wonder why they keep watching.  I would rather spend my time reading and writing.

Imagine what you could accomplish with your life if you cut the cable.  Ponder how you would spend the money you're giving your cable provider if you said goodbye.  Think about how much better you would feel without all that negativity in your life.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Waking Up in a New Time Zone

Two major challenges are underway in a new time zone.  In my opinion, sometimes it's easier to implement change when you uproot yourself from the comforts of your home.  I skipped two meals yesterday and barely noticed I was hungry.  Maybe it's because I was immersed in all the brilliant colors in my new surroundings.

This is going to be a busy Fall.  My plate is full even if I'm only eating one or two meals a day during my 6 week spiritual boot camp. Stay tuned.  I will post updates.  The photo included in this story was shot in Saginaw, Michigan on my way to dinner yesterday.  Have a great day.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Ready for Take Off

 It's time.  By the time this blog publishes, I will be on my way to the next chapter of my life.  I'm one of the support people helping to open up a new location for my day job bosses.  I will be in Michigan for the next three weeks.  This is also day 1 of my six week challenge to work on my spiritual life.  There are people around me who can't wait for this year to be over.  Yes, it's been challenging.  I see the end of the this year as an opportunity to grow in times of uncertainty.  My hope is that when my six week challenge is complete I will have a new perspective.  Stay tuned.  Have a great day.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

6 Week Journey Begins Tomorrow

 Another adventure begins tomorrow.  This one is for six weeks, three on the road and three at home.  My brother-in-law asked me to join his men's group.  The idea is to participate in something similar to boot camp except this mission is for the soul.  The timing is perfect because I was already planning a solo mission to experiment with my food regimen based on a new book I'm reading by David A. Sinclair, professor of genetics at Harvard.  That's how God's timing is – perfect.  Soldiers go away for boot camp and they come home transformed.  This is a perfect time for me to see how my body responds to new food trials.

If you're a guy and you're interested in what I'm doing, reach out to me and I'll share the details.  When the time is right, I will be sharing more about my food journey for anyone interested.  It's important to point out one disclaimer.  I have no training in medicine.  Consult your physician before making changes in your life.  I'm willing to share my journey for your entertainment and for your consideration if you feel my experiments might be worth a try.  I'm going to document my own journey with some blood tests to make my experiments as objective as possible.  Have a great day.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Surf's Up

 We all go through high and low tides in our lives.  I'm entering into a "surf's up" moment in my life right now.  In less than 48 hours I'm on a plane for a three week adventure.   I'm on the support team at my day job and we're in expansion mode.  Also, I decided to accept my brother-in-law's challenge to join his team on a boot-camp style  six week mission to come out of my comfort zone and be a better servant in our Lord's army of believers.  Yes, the surf is up, way up.  It's high tide.

For those of you who have been curious about my next books, I had an important revelation during my morning meditation.  I wasn't even thinking about my books but my mind drifted through a sea of thoughts and I perceived all the necessary corrections, additions and subtractions that need to be handled during my waking moments.  It's so funny how God works in my life.  Just as I was about to enter my morning session at 4:30AM this morning, my wife stirred.  She asked what I was doing.  "Universe surfing," I replied, indicating I was about to embark on my inner journey of exploration.  It's time to ride the Big Kahuna.  Stay tuned.  This is going to be one wild ride.  Have a great day.

Friday, October 23, 2020

Ask These Questions Now Before it's Too Late

 Changing directions in your life is easier when you know why you want to change.  In my opinion, change is difficult.  As the years pass, it becomes more difficult.  Here are some questions for consideration.  

  • Am I happy with my daily choices?
  • What will my life look like if I continue in this direction for the rest of my life?
  • Will I have any regrets if I fail to make changes now?
  • If I could get a do-over, what would I change?
  • Is there anything I can do today that will make the world better?
  • What's missing in my life?
Keep in mind that you will pay a price if you're going to change your daily routine.  There will be sacrifice.  I believe that price increases every day that you wait.  There will come a point in time when it's too late to change your direction.  I would rather make the sacrifices now so that I don't have any regrets later.  How about you?  Have a great day.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Reduce Your Anxiety in 3 Steps

 I believe we can all agree on one thing, we are living in stressful times.  This has been one of the craziest years on record.  Many are cracking under the pressure.  Anxiety is real.  Reducing it is more important than ever.  Try these three things and see if this helps.

  1. Turn off the TV.  This is big.  It's almost impossible to avoid all that negativity unless you turn it off and leave it off.
  2. Don't talk politics.  Your odds of changing someone else's mind are near zero.  The country is divided.  
  3. Meditate daily.  If you can spend thirty minutes or more in quiet meditation, you can change the way you see the world around you.  You can identify all the areas of your life contributing to your anxiety and make positive changes to gain peace.
These next couple of weeks are going to be volatile.  Do your best to relax.  Practice gratitude.  You can get through these challenging times.  Have a great day.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Another Challenge Coming

 The next personal challenge begins on Monday.  It goes for six weeks.  The challenge involves reading a book, following the suggestions, participating in some online group sessions, and pushing myself outside of my comfort zone.  This comes at a good time in my life because I'm already pursuing some new habits to help me raise the bar in personal growth.  I would like to thank my brother-in-law for thinking of me and for the opportunity to try something new.  I'm not sure what the rules are yet but I'm excited.  This book will be a great complement to "Lifespan," by Dr. David Sinclair.  That book will arrive in the next couple of days and I'm ready to make some improvements that may tilt my biological time clock in a favorable direction.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Is it Time to Change Up Your Daily Food Habits?

The first time I heard about this I was quite surprised.  In fact, it probably goes completely against everything you've learned about your daily meals.  Sure, they call it different things depending on where you live in the United States, but one thing is pretty much ingrained in our rituals.  You get up, you eat breakfast.  Around the noon hour, you eat lunch.  Supper or Dinner is the final meal of the day.  You've been doing that for all your life, haven't you?  Take a look around at all those people with all those extra pounds around their waist.  Could it be that the three meal a day plan is harmful?

I would like to report a strange thing that happened to my sixty-year-old body last night.  Maybe it's related to something new I tried during the day, maybe not.  I don't know.  I slept for eight hours without waking up once.  I did one thing differently.  I skipped breakfast and lunch.  According to David Sinclair, a Harvard professor and researcher who studies the aging process, going hungry does some interesting things to the body.  In my opinion, there are some people in our country who may want to consider giving this a try.  All I can say about my food habits is that I'm learning what works and what doesn't work as a result of trial and error.  If you're thinking about trying this, make sure you consult your physician first.  If he or she is not aware of Sinclair's experiments, look him up for yourself and see if it's worth changing your food habits for a month or so to see what happens.  I will be sharing this with my physician the next time I get my physical.  Have a great day.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Invest Your Energy on Your Top Gifts

How are you doing with the gifts you have been blessed with?  Are you using them?  One of the best lessons I've learned during my sixty years on this planet is that when I work on the the things I'm really not very good at, I spin my wheels and my forward progress in hindered.  The reverse is true when I turn to my strengths.  While it's true that certain things need to get done than I simply have no talent for, it's not really necessary to do these things myself.  That's where teamwork is vital.  I focus my energy on my top gifts while enlisting others with superior strengths in my weak categories to handle those tasks.  

Something else happens when you find yourself concentrating on your top gifts.  Happiness increases.  There is something about successful outcomes that make you feel good inside.  It's a sense of accomplishment.  You won't feel this when you're consistently failing at tasks you're not cut out to perform.  If you're not sure what your top gifts are, ask your friends and family.  Chat with your coworkers.  Go all in once you discover your top gifts and allocate as much time as you can to refining them.  Do this daily and the world will be a better place.  Have a great day.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Stand Up, Please

 There are stories abound about the dangers of sitting for prolonged periods of time.  The focus for today is on stand-up solutions to help you get healthy.  Ask yourself how many hours a day you find yourself parked in front of the TV on a couch.  Tally the number of hours you sit while on your laptop.  Do you sit while reading?  Stand up, please.  Each of these activities can be done in the standing position.  Invest in a stand up desk.  Try sitting on a stability ball.  Stand while on your cell phone.  You deserve a long and healthy life.  Give your back a break.  Have a great day.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Book Updates

 The stories in my head continue to evolve.  "Live Long and Prosper" is coming together and "The Adventures of Wilson" is going through more changes.  Neither project is complete.  They are definitely not ready for prime time.  I'm walking a tightrope.  On one side, I want the stories to be entertaining while offering some fun lessons.  On the other side, I want to avoid any possible legal entanglements.  These roadblocks are going to be part of Wilson's journey.  I'm contemplating a name change in the title to reflect the struggle to cross the finish line.  Thank you for patience.  Have a great day.

Friday, October 16, 2020

There is No Greater Moment than the Present

 I know some people who are stuck living in the past.  They believe their best days are behind them.  Some live in the future.  They work so hard at creating their future that they ignore what's right in front of them right now.  I know I'm guilty of this sometimes because I like to plan things.  The real challenge is to savor the moment in front of us right now.  It's really easy to write off a tough year, like the one we're in now.  Or wish away the days of the week because we can't wait for those precious days off.  

No matter what you're going through right now, consider how precious the time is that you have in this moment.  Be present.  Savor every precious second.  Tell others how much they mean to you.  There is no greater moment than the present.  Have a great day.

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Happy Birthday, Mom

 Please join me in wishing my mother a Happy Birthday.  She's an octogenarian who raised six children and lives life to the fullest, even in trying times like the pandemic we're in the midst of today.  I treasure the birthday celebration all of us siblings attended last year in Mexico before the pandemic hit.  It was the last time I traveled for pleasure and my, oh my, what a party that was.  My hope is that this pandemic will pass and it will be safe to be together again soon so I can see my mother in person.  For now, the celebrations will be virtual.  Happy birthday, Mom.  We love you!  Have a great day.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Take Your Breath Away

If you're like most Americans, you may find yourself sitting as many hours (or more) as you do sleeping.  This is no bueno if you want to be healthy.  This is especially true if you don't exercise.  I'm referring to the kind of exercise that takes your breath away.  I admit this was missing from my life ever since the pandemic started in March.  I returned to the courts about one month ago and rejoined my teammates last Wednesday night for the first time in seven months.  Wow!  They took my breath away big time.  I was huffing and puffing for two hours.  

I have a feeling that more changes are coming my way.  I'm finding some great inspiration from a Harvard professor who loves experiments as much as a couple of us Mulligans.  This is a great time to shout out to the wife and son of my Mulligan cousin who are both celebrating birthdays today.   Wherever you find yourself today, please find a way to take your breath away.  Set aside time at least once a week to push your body hard enough so that you can live a long and prosperous life.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Lessons in Longevity

I'm a big fan of making quality choices that lead to living longer and living better.  The question of the day on this blog is, "How do we do that?"  I remember those charts on classroom walls from grade school about food pyramids.  They were sponsored by people who wanted us to buy more of their products.  As we learn more about how to maximize our longevity, ideas change about what to eat, how much to eat and when when to eat.  The longer I live the more I understand how deficient my knowledge is about how our bodies can be maximized in both quantity of years and quality of life.  That's one of the reasons why my own book, "Live Long and Prosper," is so difficult to bring to a conclusion.  All I can say is I'm learning a great deal about longevity through trial and error and delving into the experiments of modern day researchers who love their lab rats.

I had my annual eye exam yesterday.  My optometrist gave me a clean bill of health regarding my eyes and asked what I was doing to stay fit.  I told her about the next book I'm getting ready to read written by a Harvard professor who has been studying longevity for the last thirty years.  "Lifespan Why We Age and Why We Don't Have To," by David A. Sinclair, may offer some great lessons in longevity.  I promise to share what I learn from Sinclair's book in future posts.  Have a great day.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Chip, Chip Away

The chip shot is becoming my favorite option in pursuit of financial freedom.  I admire those who can sprint with gazelle-like speed.  Unfortunately, in a quest like the one I'm on now, there is no way I could have the endurance to go the distance and cross the finish line successfully if I'm going full speed ahead.  My strategy is to get out of debt using continuous chip shots at every mile of my ultra-distance marathon.   

New hazards keep showing up on the course.  The world is in the midst of a stubborn pandemic.  Mother Nature is shooting fireballs and launching a stream of ferocious hurricanes.  I'm doing my best to stay on course and avoid any distractions.  Every day is a chip shot.  It's a choice to pack a lunch and eat home-cooked meals.  My eyes are fixated on the daily scorecard.  It's working.  I'm fortunate to have a partner on the course with me who shares the same goals.  A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.  Five hundred miles to go win the race.  Chip, chip away.  Have a great day.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

The Power of a Single Worthwhile Habit

 If you're wondering how to best transform your life into something that will make your heart sing, consider for a moment one worthwhile task you can do repeatedly for the rest of your life.  You may be reading this post with a bit of skepticism.  "How can one single habit transform my life?" You ask yourself.  This is something I've been working on for the majority of my adult years.  The truth is your life is already a set of habits your repeat daily.  You wake up.  You choose what to eat.  You go to work.  You come home.  You watch the same TV shows.  You go to bed.  These are habits.  Are they worthwhile?  Only you can answer that based on how satisfied you are with your life.

My number one worthwhile habit that I've incorporated into my daily life is daily meditation.  It doesn't matter how busy I am or how much I have on my plate.  I meditate a minimum of thirty minutes every day without fail.  The power of this single worthwhile habit is like talking about the power of the sun over our planet.  I have become so familiar with my own internal thoughts that I can now live in peace while pursuing other worthwhile goals.  The meditation helps me to review where I am, where I'm going and how I'm doing without outside influence from the world.  This inner world has become so intense that I now use headphones and an eye mask to make sure my morning meditation is completely free of distraction.  If you're serious about improving the quality of your life, consider one single worthwhile habit and stick with it as long as you live.  You will witness for yourself how much better your life can be.  Have a great day.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

What's On the Other Side of the Pandemic?

 Many of my loved ones are quietly tucked away in their abodes until the all clear signal is given.  Only God knows how long that will be.  They aren't the only ones who put things on hold.  Life as we once knew it is becoming a distant memory.  Have you considered what's on the other side of the pandemic?

I'm one of those people who place a high value on traveling.  For me, when I can't get away, I dream about getting away.  I plan every detail of my vacations, like building a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle.  I have an idea of what the other side of the pandemic looks like when the freedom to travel without restrictions returns and then I build the puzzle.  There is great joy in the planning process.  How about you?  Are you making any plans post-pandemic?  Have a great day.

Friday, October 9, 2020

This is What Happens When You Find Your Purpose

 Sometimes your friends can see before you do.  Other times it hits you when you least expect it.  When you find it, everything changes.  Everything.  The light bulb turns on.  You see things you never saw before.  It's like a connection to the eternal.  If you haven't found it, be patient.  I promise you that there is a reason for your existence and it's profound.  

If you're reading this, there is a high probability that your purpose and my purpose are somehow connected.  For me, it's all about helping others find their "why".  I find great joy when I see the light bulb turn on in someone around me.  Sometimes it's only a flicker.  My gift is seeing that potential when it may be barely detectable and I'm hard-wired to keep up the encouragement until the light becomes so bright that it's impossible to ignore.  I'm thankful we're connected.  Let's see what we can do together to make this world a better place.  Yes, that is what happens when you find your purpose.  The world changes.  Have a great day.

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Life is a Series of Experiments

 The older I get, the more I value experiments.  I also enjoy learning about what others have discovered during their own experimenting processes.  Yesterday I watched a YouTube video featuring an interview with a Harvard professor who is curious about the aging process.  Professor David Sinclair has been intrigued with aging since the young age of four years old.  Although he was debunked early on when one of his experiments appeared to go awry, he went back started over.  In my opinion, many would have debunked Edison for all his failures when searching for the light bulb.  Experiments don't always go the way you think they are going to go.  That's okay.  It's all about learning from your trials.

I ordered "Lifespan Why We Age and Why We Don't Have To," by Sinclair and look forward to learning more from his experiments.  How about you?  Is there anything in your life that could use some experiments?  Have a great day.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

You Have the Power to Make Your Brain Happy

 Is your brain happy?  If not, why not?  Perhaps the chaos in the world is causing your brain to lose the happiness you deserve.  I made some changes in my life that helped create a better environment for my brain and the results are in – my brain is off the charts, basking in happiness.  I realized that external factors were playing a negative role in my life and I simply switched them off.  

You and only you have the power to make your brain happy.  Think of your brain as a plant that needs certain things to thrive.  As a plant needs sunlight, water and a good climate, your brain also needs proper nutrition, adequate rest and positive input from your spirit.  Feed your brain daily and watch your happiness soar.  This isn't a one-time thing, this is an everyday thing.  This is a way of life.  Have a great day.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Do You Know the Element You Thrive in?

 Today's story is inspired by our daughter who asked our family to check out Jay Shetty, a vlogger who inspires others with YouTube videos based on his life lessons as a business man and monk.  He's one of those people who asks penetrating questions designed to help you grow as a person.

I'm sharing something he said in a YouTube interview that may help you with your life.  Knowing the element you thrive in is the key to being the best you can be.  Jay Shetty references Michael Jordan.  He was in his element when he played basketball.  Not so much when he played baseball.  The difference was being in the right element.  The same is true for you and me.  I'm in my element when I'm sharing my life with others.  The wins help others improve.  The losses teach others what to avoid.  Maybe that's why it's so easy for me to get up every morning, day after day, month after month, and year after year to share my life with you.

If you're not winning in life, search for the element where you can thrive.  You are unique.  What works for others may not work for you.  Take time and don't settle on the wrong element.  Have a great day.

Monday, October 5, 2020

A Little Faith Goes a Long Way

Jesus teaches that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can move mountains.  "He said to them, 'Because of your little faith.  For truly, I say to you, if you faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20.  This is the verse that resonates in my heart because I've lived it over and over with not much more faith than the size of a mustard seed.

Do you have some mountains in your life that need moving today?  Trust that Jesus will send you what you need.  Have a great day.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Is it Time for a Brain and Heart Alignment?

 When your brain and heart are out of alignment, there are signs that show up just like when your tires are out of alignment.  Here are the symptoms:

  • Lack of wholeness
  • Lack of unity with yourself and the world
  • Your inner peace is missing in action
  • Stress is off the charts
  • Your energy is amiss
  • You lose your creative ability
  • Your health declines
  • Your quality of life decreases
Give your brain and heart the alignment it needs if you spot any of the symptoms.  Let go of the past and stop worrying about tomorrow or the next day.  The alignment you need is with today and today only.  The proper alignment will give you something you really need – coherence.  I dedicate thirty minutes of my morning to meditation.  I call it galaxy surfing because I'm completely disconnected from this world while I fine-tune my brain and heart without any distractions.  The more challenging your life is, the more you need a brain and heart alignment.  Don't wait too long to make the positive changes you need for a better quality of life.  Have a great day.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

This is a Good Time to Get Healthy

 There is a danger for those in self-quarantine mode.  Lack of sunshine and exercise can raise your risk of getting sick.  When your immune response diminishes, you lose the ability to fight back.  Be cautious of a sedentary lifestyle.  This is a paradox.  You're probably cutting yourself off from others to be safe and everything you're doing may actually hurt you if you sick.

I'm doing my best these days to find the right balance of exercise and healthy eating while minimizing my exposure to large crowds.  Time in the sun helps me get adequate levels of Vitamin D.  Be careful not to become too lethargic and make sure you adhere to daily exercise.  Have a great day.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Why Your Food Regimen Works Better than a Diet

 How many times have you tried a diet and failed?  You're not alone.  Diets are like sitting in a timeout corner.  All you can think about is what's missing on your plate.  Your body gets mad and resists your short-term fads.  What little you lose quickly returns when you leave the timeout corner and return to your old habits.  You have to win the mental battle going on in your head.  Replace your diet with a long-term food regimen that restores your health to your younger days.

My food regimen is simple.  I avoid processed foods as much as possible.  Small portions of red meat, fish, and poultry are okay.  My primary focus is on fruits, veggies, nuts, beans, and seeds.  Preferred liquids are water and wine.  This is a regimen that has become a way of life and my body is responding favorably.  Even cows have food regimens.  The first year is dairy (mom's milk) and then it's all grass from there.  We are the only mammals that drink milk for life.  See what happens to your body when you eliminate dairy or reduce consumption by 90% for 45 days.  If you like your results, you have a new regimen you can stay with for the rest of your life.  Have a great day.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

My Debt Monster is Dying

If my debt monster were human, it would be time to call hospice.  He once stood so tall that he made my knees buckle and my body tremble.  No longer do I fear him.  He has no power over my household.  I did what had to be done in pursuit of financial freedom.  I stopped feeding him.  It wasn't easy.  My debt monster is the most formidable opponent I've ever faced.  

I'm already planning a celebration of life for my debt monster.  He's been with us so long he's practically a family member.  Every month he gets more and more feeble.  My wife and I are excited about our new lives ahead.   The life span of a debt monster varies from household to household.  All I can say is there is a way to defeat your debt monster but it takes serious effort.  I will release details of our strategy once we rid ourselves of our foe once and for all.  Have a great day.