Saturday, March 7, 2020

Morning Meditation Experiment Enters New Phase

It's not easy to meditate when you have an analytical brain that wants to control rather than observe.  Perhaps that's why it took me so long to be able to fall asleep after a guided meditation.  It happened this morning.  I started at 4:45 with a 38-minute meditation called the blessing of the energy centers.  There is about a 15 minute period of time at the end where you are encouraged to relax and fall asleep if desired.  At the end of the quiet period, I decided to remain seated and let my mind wander for a while.  I wasn't trying to do anything except relax.  I entered some kind of dream state somewhere between being awake and deep sleep.  There was this rush of clouds moving in near sunset in my dream state and the clouds had strange swirling patterns.  I was looking up at the clouds and snapping pictures.  In my mind, I somehow knew I was observing a "theta release."  The clouds changed into a kaleidoscope while I was taking the photos.  I woke up feeling cleansed, like coming out of a pool of water.

The idea of meditating is to "become aware of what's going on inside your subconscious mind."  I'm going to stay with this experiment to see what happens in the world around me in my daily life.  I'm writing about this experience today partly to keep track of my progress.  This is one of the strangest dreams I've ever had, maybe because I wasn't in a traditional sleep mode.  I'm curious to see how my day unfolds after having this experience and I'm hoping to be able to go deeper in the coming weeks. Have a great day.

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