Monday, March 2, 2020

I Found Buried Treasure

It happened at 4:30 AM this morning.  I decided to go deeper than ever, like a deep-sea diver on a quest to find buried treasure.  Well, I found it in a one hundred and twenty-minute dive.  The best way I can describe is like the way Dale Carnegie teaches public speaking without using notes.  It's a two-minute format.  Anyone can talk for two minutes if they learn the proper structure, right?  Once the two-minute talk is mastered, stack another two minutes and you have a four-minute speech.  Keep stacking until you reach the desired length of time to speak without relying on notes and you will stun your audience.  Well, meditating is the same way.  Learn how to meditate for two minutes without opening your eyes.  Master that and go deeper.  If you asked me six months ago how long I'm capable of staying in meditation, I would have answered a maximum of thirty minutes as long as I focus.  Two hours take my breath away and I'm not even close to my capacity.

I think the main reason people in our culture give up on meditating is that they don't experience anything interesting.  It's like snorkeling in murky waters during a storm.  Your body gets thrashed around, your mask keeps falling off and you're swallowing seawater.  Your body freaks out on you and you suddenly decide meditating is not for you.  Too bad.  You've never experienced what it's like to visit an exotic location where the water is so clear you can see all the way to the bottom one hundred feet deep.  Your body feels like it's floating on air and there's so much to see that you don't want to come up to the surface.  That buried treasure you're looking at is your subconscious mind.  Spend enough time studying its contents and you will discover what you're made of, who you really are and where you're headed.

I know exactly what I'm supposed to do now that I'm back in the real world.  It's all about stacking.  I'm stacking paragraphs, one by one.  The paragraphs turn into chapters, and the chapters become books.  Not even a shark in the vicinity can make me freak out now.  I'm on a quest and I'm not stopping until I explore the seven seas.  Have a great day.

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