Tuesday, March 24, 2020

3 Reasons Why I Blog Daily

Fear is doing its best to creep into our lives.  I can only imagine what Anne Frank was feeling during her twenty-five months hiding from those who wanted to kill her.  She knew if she came out of hiding her life was over.  Sound familiar to what's happening in our world right now?  My boss at my day job handed me a letter yesterday that I'm to carry in my vehicle in case travel restrictions are imposed to control the spread of Covid-19.  We're asked to continue working to keep food supplies flowing during these challenging times.  I'm thankful for the opportunity to do my part especially because I love helping others.  I'm doing my best to modify my behavior to minimize contact while working.  I'm finding that sticking to my daily routine is bringing me joy and I wanted to share three reasons why I'm blogging daily...

  1. Mom knows I'm okay.  This is our way of keeping in touch especially since face-to-face visits are on hold until the danger passes.  I'm picturing my mother enjoying her quiet space inside the home she's been living in for the last 55 years.  She's the ultimate prayer warrior.  I'm thankful she's living in the moment.
  2. I promised God I would do this every day until I'm no longer able.  It's true, time does fly when you're having fun and this is something that gives me a sense of purpose, especially when we're going through challenging times.
  3. I believe I can contribute by sharing my own successes, failures, and attempts to make the world better.  My place in this world is to be a servant and it's a role I cherish.
Everyone in this world has something to share for the betterment of all.  Look inside yourself and determine what that gift happens to be.  Find three reasons to share your gift daily.  Take action.  This may add a smile to your mother's face.  It may be pleasing to your Creator.  It may add one small morsel to the world you live in.  All I can say this morning is I'm thankful you're willing to read these messages and I hope they help you on your journey.  Have a great day.

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