Thursday, April 14, 2016

Don't Be Fooled by False Expiration Dates on Your Dreams

If you believe the expiration date on your dream is like an overdue library book you forgot to return, this story is for you.  It's not too late to pay the fine, extend the return date, and discover what's inside that book you forgot about.  Don't let anyone fool you into believing your dream is dead because you missed the original expiration date.  So what if you're a little late.  Here are some questions to ponder.
  1. Why do you think you can't renew your original expiration date?
  2. What will happen to your life if you fail to try again with your dream?
  3. Is your expiration date an excuse to take the easy way out and give up?
I know one thing about negative people.  They are negative because they believe there's no hope.  Someone stole their candy and they would rather cry about it than take it back.  If they can convince you your dream is expired then they can keep crying because you are proving their point.  But if they can't stop you and you renew your dream no matter how old you are or how difficult the pursuit, you can show them old dreams never die.  Just take a deep breath and try again.  Have a great day.

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