Friday, August 18, 2023

Marriage Angel Works Behind the Scenes


The picture you see here is my bride of 34 years.  When we celebrated our anniversary on 7/15, I referenced our "marriage angel" tasked with watching over the two of us.  Believe it or not, this idea of an angel who protects us gives me goose bumps.  

Non believers may question the idea of angels.  In my opinion, they are a reflection of Jesus.  Think about Jesus.  Did he come into the world to serve or be served?  His life is proof that serving is everything.  It makes sense that angels serve as Jesus serves.  Marriage is a big deal.  It's sacred.  I need all the help I can get.

I'm thankful someone close to me shared the first story I wrote about marriage angels ( see blog from 7/15/23) with a family member who needed some encouragement.  This family member needed three different marriage angels to assist as she suffered great loss due to the death of her first two spouses.  The third angel is tasked with helping out all the way to eternity.  

Now it's time to reflect on today's picture.  First of all, special thanks to my wife for granting permission to share one photo from her recent visit while I'm on assignment in North Canton.  Our marriage angel whispered into the ears of my scheduler and somehow I was granted four days off in a row to have special time with my wife.  We played pickle ball together for the first time.  My wife loved it so much that we played three times during her visit.  My tennis buddies who may be reading this may be thinking I'm going to the dark side as there appears to be tension between tennis players and pickle ball players.  I see peaceful coexistence.  Pickle ball will be a big part of our travels while tennis will always be a permanent lifestyle until my body can no longer handle all that it entails.

My wife is home safe.  I will join her on Monday.  This photo is proof I really do have a wife.  Sorry, our marriage angel won't be visible until we cross over.  If you need proof, look around at those who have been married a long time.  If they appear to be glowing, maybe they have been touched by these special angels who are working behind the scenes.  Have a great day.

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