Saturday, January 28, 2023

Faith, The Final Frontier

If you are a believer, on a one to ten scale, how would you rate your faith?  If you happen to be on the outside of Christianity, is there a particular reason you do not believe?  I ask this because I believe faith is the final frontier.  My hope is that you are open to at least exploring the idea that there is a God.  If you have followed me during these 13+ years of blogging, you know a few things about me.  Number one, I'm not really qualified to do what I do.  Number two, even though I did my best to avoid becoming a writer, I believe there are forces more powerful than me who nudged me to begin blogging.  Number three, I'm willing to share my life with you as long as I keep loved ones out of the spotlight.  By now you understand that my faith is important to me and living my faith is what drives me every morning when I get out of bed.

My hope for you is that we can get even more personal.  Perhaps faith has seemed like science fiction to you.  Maybe you had a bad experience with someone who is a believer.  Maybe you felt like I did during my teenage years when I naively thought, yes there is a God but he is most certainly too busy to care about me or answer my prayers.  Who in their right mind wants to follow a God who doesn't really seem to care?  I get it.  Maybe that's why I'm the right person for you to chat with about who God is and how your relationship with God can be life-changing.  

I have a feeling that "Live Long and Prosper" may be a good starting point.  I believe this because I happen to be someone who believes with all my heart there is a loving God who wants to be with you forever.  The real science fiction is the world we currently live in.  It is dominated by the Fallen Ones, the same ones who are fighting with everything they have to keep you away.  My life has not been easy.  You already know this from my stories.  I'm going even deeper in my next book.  Many times I have thrown chapters in the trash.  Why?  Maybe it's a bit challenging to share some of my most embarrassing moments.  Maybe I'm striving for perfection and this is impossible.  

Faith is the final frontier.  I'm going to share my faith with you for one reason – I want to invite you to have what I have.  I'm attempting to do this in a non-offensive way that may help you get closer to our Creator.  If you are open to exploring what being a follower of Jesus is all about, or if you are believer and you want to go deeper, please consider reading "Live Long and Prosper."  There will be three main topics of discussion – food, finances, and faith.  You can decide what is science fiction and what is real to you.  I will be here to answer any questions you may have.  Have a great day.

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