Friday, January 27, 2023

Do You Have Food Goals?

The other day I wrote about the 80/20 rule for owning your vehicle(s).  80% of Americans make car payments.  While it may not seem like a big deal, when it comes to financial health, it is a big deal.  The same is true with your health.  The statistics are even worse than 80/20.  In fact, it's more like 97/3.  97% of Americans are unhealthy.  What do the 3% do to qualify as healthy?  Today's story is probably going to sting a bit because the odds are that you are in that 97% category.  If you are serious about making changes, read on.

Before I go any further, I must admit that I was once in that 97% category even though I was trying to do a lot of things right.  My problem was what was going on inside my body that others couldn't see.  I was suffering from food related inflammation.  That's why this is an important topic for me.  It doesn't help that every time I turn around someone close to me in my age group has passed away.  What's causing all of this unhealthiness?  I will explore this topic in greater detail in "Live Long and Prosper."  Rather than wait for the book, here is the Reader's Digest version in today's story.

Your healthy lifestyle begins with food goals.  You always have two choices when it comes to filling up your shopping cart.  You can select foods with a label or foods without a label.  Foods with a label most likely have artificial ingredients and/or contain processed foods.  Make your first food goal to be eating only foods without a label.  

This next one is really going to sting.  You were most likely raised on three meals a day.  If you really want to go big on getting healthy, rearrange your meal schedule.  Do this gradually so you don't have an all out rebellion on your hands.  Start slow.  Cut out lunch once in a while.  Let your body think a famine is around the corner.  It will cooperate and start making adjustments.  You may find that fat around your belly is shrinking.  Keep going.  See if you can perhaps skip two meals in a row once in a while.  Your body can handle this is if you don't give up.

Lastly, say goodbye to dessert.  Say goodbye to sugar.  Do this consistently and you are on your way to that 3% category of Americans who are in the healthy category.  I'm cheering for you to Live Long and Prosper.  Have a great day.

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