Friday, March 6, 2020

Why Your Rest Notes are Important

Our busy lives are often deprived of the rest notes.  Perhaps we skip over them in our rush to get our daily tasks done.  I did this frequently during my college days.  The music in my brain lacked the appropriate pauses necessary to get the melody right and I wasn't even aware of the incoherence I was causing.  The older I get, the more I realize just how important those rest notes are, especially the ones I rely on at bedtime.  I'm doing my best not to cheat my sleep hours and it's helping me to enjoy my waking hours.

Your life should be more about enjoying the music best played at the right cadence and less about rushing to get through your day while sleepwalking because you're overtired and overstressed.  I'm finding this especially helpful with my book-writing projects.  More rest notes equal greater mental acuity.  Give those rest notes a try.  Savor them like fine wine.  Make them a permanent lifestyle.  Have a great day.

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