Sunday, March 1, 2020

The Meditation Experiment

The best way I know to test an idea is to become a lab rat and experiment.  Other than visualizing for sports like tennis and triathlons (that was a long time ago), I don't have much experience meditating.  That changed late last year while visiting my mother in Phoenix.  I decided to see what would happen with regular morning meditations.  I haven't missed a day since beginning my experiment.

Here's my progress report.  It's the reason why I'm moving forward with the experiment.  I really don't know how it works other than to say my mind, body, and spirit are all responding favorably no matter what's going on in the world around me.  In fact, the world around me no longer seems to impact me.  The political winds are blowing and I'm in the center of the eye of the hurricane.  Financial markets are collapsing and all I can see is a flash sale should I desire to add to my 401k.

A subconscious mind is an interesting place.  Most don't visit because it's like trying to find a destination without a road map.  Meditation is like Google maps.  I'm experimenting with guided meditations, walking meditations, silent meditations, and now consecutive meditations lasting as long as two hours.  I plan to go deeper as my schedule allows.

Here's what I'm finding in my subconscious road trips.  I'm noticing how I plow through potholes without even realizing it because I don't really pay attention when the cruise control is on and I'm merely going through the same routine every day.  I'm beginning to change the navigation controls and I'm more willing to try new routes to explore.  So far so good.  The more I pay attention to what's inside my subconscious,  the better my awareness of possible oncoming danger.  It's like having an awareness of the speed traps so I can slow down in time to avoid a speeding ticket.  I'm also able to get out of the way of road rage before it gets me into a conflict capable of pulling me out of my place of peace.  I feel like I found the owner's manual for my brain.  Yes, it's complicated.  I don't really care.  Time doesn't matter during meditations and I'm going to keep going to see what I can learn about this process.  It's the perfect time for Spring cleaning and my brain has many places that need attention.  I'm glad March is here.  Have a great day.

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