Monday, December 11, 2017

Caveman Update

Mrs. Caveman and I are refinancing our hut today in order to reduce the interest rate and shorten the pay-off period.  It's an important step according to Abraham Maslow,  the man who also coined the term, metamotivation,  people who are self-actualized and striving beyond the scope of their basic needs to reach their full potential.  So, that's what this caveman is doing.  I'm making sure the bare essentials are taken care of.  I'm concentrating on food derived from the caveman food experiment that forever altered my direction in life.  I've discovered that a food program consisting mainly of fruits, veggies, nuts, beans, seeds and a couple of glasses of red or white wine daily delivers age-defying results.

For those of you interested in learning more about my progress, I want to assure you I'm getting closer to a final report that will include recipes, stories from others who gave the experiment a try and a personal account of my journey.  I'm removing all the obstacles blocking me from reaching my full potential and I'm striving to be one of those in the metamotivation category who reach their full potential and share their lessons with others.  I admit there was a time in my life when I felt my basic food and shelter needs were in danger but that is ancient history and now it's time to focus on publishing something that may help others seeking a better life.  Thanks for being patient with me.  Have a great day.

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