Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Spiritual Bankruptcy

Some types of bankruptcies are easy to spot, like financial bankruptcy.  There was a time in my life when I really felt like I had my financial life in order.  In the blink of an eye I watched it all collapse.  The only thing that saved me from complete disaster was God's grace.  Another type of bankruptcy is illness.  It's heartbreaking to see a loved one go through this.  Some recover.  Some don't.  This can happen when it's least expected.  I went through this nearly five years ago when my vehicle veered over the double yellow line and I was t-boned.  Another kind of bankruptcy can occur in relationships.  This is known as divorce.  What about spiritual bankruptcy?  What is it and are you in danger?  Unlike all other forms of bankruptcy, this type is mostly invisible yet it's the most dangerous form of bankruptcy known to man or angels because spiritual bankruptcy is permanent as in eternal. 

It's really easy to blame others for a bankruptcy.  Remember that last Great Recession?  Many said the fault rested with banks who got too greedy or the government that got too lax.  I blame myself for what happened.  Greedy?  Yes.  Lax?  Yes.  The good news is I changed my ways.  The same thing with my health.  I realized I was heading down the wrong path.  Thanks to some caring people around me, I discovered that a physical bankruptcy was headed my way and it was going to end in premature death.  The accident had nothing to do with this but it did serve as a wakeup call to the value of my life.  It also opened my eyes to what spiritual bankruptcy is and how easy it is to be blind when it creeps into your life.

A long time ago in a galaxy far away some of the brightest angels in creation decided to reject God.  Spiritual bankruptcy for these beings happened in one instant.  This is irrevocable.  Sadly, these beings cannot ever go back.  They had it all and they rejected it.  They prowl our planet and tempt others to pull the plug on God's love for us.  That's what spiritual bankruptcy is – turning away from God.  There is only one way to overcome spiritual bankruptcy.  It's Jesus.  He redeemed us by dying on the Cross.  He leaves the 99 who are safe and secure in search of the one who is lost.  He sees the danger before we do and he reaches out to turn things around.  He points us to the Father.  Reject Jesus and I guarantee with 100% certainty you will one day find yourself with those fallen angels who are in permanent spiritual bankruptcy.  Don't let this be you.  Don't even worry about seeking Jesus.  He is seeking you.  All you have to do is tell Jesus you want him in your life.  This won't guarantee you will be safe from all other forms of bankruptcy.  That's okay.  Other bankruptcies don't have eternal consequences.  I know firsthand that when Jesus is in my life I'm able to handle anything, even death.  Today is a good day to evaluate your spiritual life.  Is it dark or light?  Maybe it's time for the Son to shine in your life.  Have a great day.

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