Monday, January 11, 2021

The Challenge of Living in the Moment

 There are two forces that tug at your soul when you're doing your best to live in the moment – the past and the future.  I often find myself drifting between these three worlds.  Even though the past is fixed, it tugs at me like a strong undercurrent.  If I allow it to pull me under, I find myself drowning in a sea of thoughts that attempt to destroy my contentment.  The future is a separate but equal force.  The challenge of the future is the unknown.  It can be both scary and exhilarating in the same breath.  What does the present moment offer?  Everything.  The real challenge is to keep the other two competing forces from crashing in on what the present moment delivers if you allow yourself to bask in it as if you're on a beach with the midday sun warming your skin.

I'm gradually learning to do what men are best at – single-tasking.  Multi-tasking is like living in the past, present, and future all at once.  The only one I know who can do that is Jesus.  Even Jesus relished quiet moments of solitude to gather his thoughts.  I'm also learning to build on the routines that work best for me.  Outside observers may wonder how I'm able to do the things I do.  What it comes down to is placing the highest priority on the present moment and savoring it as if it is more valuable than gold.

Before writing today's story, I chatted with my wife while she prepared for her day job.  I kissed her good-bye and went galaxy surfing for my typical 38-minute meditation session.  This is where I allow my thoughts to visit with me unabated by the challenges of the outside world.  Upon returning home I read excerpts from three books in my current rotation, one at a time, fixating on the moment I was inside each author's thoughts.

It's breakfast time as soon as I close out this story.  My meal prep is another revered ritual.  My body eagerly anticipates the banana, orange, pineapple, avocado, spinach, flaxseed, and chia seed, all blended at high speeds in my Vitamix, accompanied by a couple of eggs with assorted nuts on the side.  My dessert is five ounces of yogurt with one gram each of NMN and Transresveratrol, a couple of molecules that offer the possibility of an extended lifespan should they aid my cells the way they are performing in experiments with mice.  This will be my only meal until dinner when my wife returns from her workday.  The rest of the day will be dedicated to writing.  The only break will be a visit to the gym for a workout on the indoor racquetball court with our youngest son who is completing his final semester of college from home virtually.  The entire day is a series of moments meant to be experienced, one at a time.  Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share a moment with you today.  If you're feeling overwhelmed, commit to living in the moment.  It's a life-long practice worth pursuing.  Have a great day.

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