Thursday, January 14, 2021

Become a Time Creator

 This title may appear deceptive to the untrained eye.  Who really creates time?  Dig deeper.  There really is a way to make it look like you're creating the time others argue they don't have.  It's really more of a trade deal.  You simply trade wasteful activities in for productive activities.  An hour of TV traded in for an hour of reading turns you into a "time creator."  Look at you.  You're a genius.  You can have all the time you want any time you want if you're willing to barter.

There is a caveat here.  Your mind is going to rebel because it will do anything to preserve the status quo.  You don't need to bet the farm on your first trade deal to create more time.  Shoot for a 15-minute swap and see what happens.  Small wins set you up for bolder moves down the road.  A small change can lead to big change.  Do this every day until you have all the time you want to accomplish your goals.  Have a great day.

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