Thursday, November 1, 2018

How to Maximize Your Uber Rating

A five star Uber rating is simple if you follow the golden rule.  My rating didn't show up until recently because I live in a remote area and rarely get the opportunity to use this amazing service.  My favorite Uber driver was a grandmother of six who became a driver in order to help raise several of her grandkids.  Another driver purchased a new vehicle that gets 46 miles per gallon so he can put more money in his pocket.  These people really enjoy their work and love it when you show them you care about them.

If you want five star service from your Uber driver, make sure you give them five star treatment.  Compliment them on a speedy pickup.  Ask them about the favorite part of their job.  Get them to share ideas about what's going on in their community.  These folks can enhance your vacation experience if you tap into their experiences.  I always thank my driver at the end of the trip and tell them they're getting five stars from me for their great service.   These drivers will return the favor if you treat them with respect.  Have a great day.

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