Saturday, November 10, 2018

Shards of Glass Fuel Creativity

Those shards of glass you see are my book chapters.  I see them as puzzle pieces.  The casual observer may only see brokenness.  I see an opportunity to change lives.  The stakes are high.  There's something Supernatural going on here and I can't escape even though there are times when I just want to run and hide from this project.  It's a calling.

Not long ago, I found myself spinning out of control on an icy road.  Two of the windows exploded on impact.  Shards of glass were flying all around my daughter and me as we spun around backwards after colliding with an oncoming van traveling at 50 mph.  Miraculously, only one fragment struck my daughter on her lip.  Other than the tiny cut, she was unscathed.  Most of the other broken pieces of glass ended up scattered on the highway along with my daughter's belongings.  My body was heavily damaged and I pretty much thought I was a dead man.  I prayed for healing.  So did many others.  Twenty-four hours later I was released from the trauma center at the University of Iowa Hospital and sent home.  No surgery was required for my injured spleen, my partially collapsed lung or my seven broken ribs.  My body was healing without intervention.

I kept asking myself, "why am I here?"  The answer appears to be in those unwritten chapters.   I must share my story about the caveman food experiment my cousin asked me to try.  His intervention was necessary in order to get me on a path to good health.  The doctors who treated me for my auto accident told me it was my superior physical fitness that allowed my speedy recovery.  My cousin told me I had two strikes against me.  The auto accident would have been strike three.  My life has been extended.  It's time to create a mosaic out of those shards of glass and share my lessons about food with others.  Have a great day.

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