Thursday, November 21, 2024

Omad, 2mad, and the Status Quo

 Most Americans consume three meals a day.  They consider this normal.  We have specific labels for these meals, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.  This is how I was raised.  The status quo goes beyond this with frequent snacks due to hunger.  I question this because when I look around I see so many oversized bellies.  How can this be?  Why is the hunger switch in the brain always on when others can remain hunger free even when though they consume less than three meals a day without snacking?

I met a food scientist recently who works for a company that studies ingredients they wish to add to our natural foods in order to increase our desire for them.  There a no laws against this.  My concern is what happens to our health when these companies go over the top and we become addicted to foods that are not healthy for us.

I came home exhausted from a full day and two hours of very competitive tennis last night.  Although my only meal of the day was breakfast, I was not hungry.  My wife prepared a bunless burger for me along with some beans.  I told her that would be my breakfast and went to bed.  The translation for breakfast means to break fast.  It's the first meal after fasting.  Most people don't understand the value of fasting.  Most people are so addicted that they must eat every two hours or they think they are dying.  

If you want to increase your health and vitality, consider giving up sugary foods or foods containing artificial ingredients.  This change in eating patterns won't be easy.  There is a time period where your body will rebel.  Your brain will send out hunger signals that are like 911 calls to dispatch.  You must not cave.  Once you get past the withdrawals and the hunger signals subside, consider 2mad (two meals a day).  You may get so good at this that Omad (one meal a day) simply happens without even thinking about it because your hunger signals are gone.  The bonus for you is the extra years added to your lifespan as a result of losing all that belly fat.  I can't remember the last time I ate three meals in a day.  The food scientist I shared this with seemed surprised.  I have a feeling she wanted me to keep this to myself.  Surprise.  I'm here every day offering my crazy thoughts about ideas that are contrary to the status quo.  If you try this, it won't be easy at first.  Your future self will thank you if you decide to pursue an Omad or 2mad lifestyle.  Have a great day.

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