Saturday, April 23, 2022

My Scariest Vacation Moment

 Today's story is never going away in my family.  It started peacefully.  I was in the men's restroom sitting on the toilet when I heard a commotion outside my stall.  A giant green iguana lunged underneath my stall and darted at me.  I was trapped with my pants down and nowhere to go.  I stood up and stepped out of his way.  He parked himself in the corner beside the toilet while I gathered my thoughts.  Once I figured out that he wasn't going to attack me, I sat back down and finished my business.  He didn't move once inch, not even when I flushed.  

I decided to take a picture of my new friend to share.  He willingly scampered into the trash receptacle when the photo shoot was done and I handed him over to one of the hotel workers in the lobby.  My heart rate has finally returned to normal and I'm back to work at my day job.  Have a great day.

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