Thursday, April 7, 2022

Do This When You Need an Attitude Adjustment

 Your attitude is like a compass.  When it's negative the compass malfunctions and you can't find your way.  Have you ever noticed how foggy your vision gets when your anger explodes.  You may as well discard your goals.  They can't be achieved when you are in a negative state of mind.  You find your brain telling you it can't be done.  You know what happens?  It can't be done.  The challenge you have is to adjust your attitude. Fix your compass.  Wipe out all the fog in your surroundings.

I discovered that my attitude soars when I walk away from negative people.  Misery loves company.  You don't need to be around people who relish in your mistakes.  Feed your brain positive thoughts.  Replace negative self talk with words of affirmation.  Seek out people who genuinely want you to succeed.  Change your attitude and you can change your life.  Have a great day.

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